Welcome to the College of Science Student Success Scene, a bi-weekly newsletter featuring activities and opportunities especially relevant for science undergraduates. The Science Student Success team is comprised of Terry Ham, International Student Integration and Retention Specialist, Natasha Harris, Associate Director of Science Diversity, Connie Kaspar, Associate Director of Science Diversity, Danielle Sheese, Associate Director for Career Development and Retention, and Laura Starr, Director for Experiential Learning and Student Success
College of Science |
Career Specialist
The CoS Career Specialist Is Available To Help You
Make an appointment through the Boiler Connect system by choosing the following - Care Unit: Career / Preprofessional Advising
- Service: College of Science Career Specialist
- Reason: Select from Choices
- Location: CoS Career Services (Virtual)
- Name: Danielle Sheese
Once an appointment is made a virtual meeting will be set-up. If you have issues scheduling, please call 765-494-1771 and the receptionist will assist you. |
What Services
Does the Career Development Specialist Provide?
- Career
counseling appointments
- Customized
career planning (holistic approach to student marketability at
graduation-how do students set themselves apart from other
- Choosing
a major/career path
- Career
assessment interpretation
- Discover
what students can do with their major
- Discussion
of interviewing strategies/mock interviewing & preparation
- Job/internship
searching-targeted resources
- Presentations
and workshops specifically tailored for College of Science students
- Networking opportunities with College of Science alumni including (Coffee & Conversation events and SCI 490 Course “Dean’s Leadership Forum”)
- And more on the College of Science Careers Website
Resume Nights |
Career Skills Workshops |
Career Fair PrepWhat to Say and Do?Tuesday, September 6, 2022 6 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting Research / Job / Internship Search Strategies & Resources |
Planning to Study Abroad? |
The Study Abroad Office is accepting applications for Winter Flex 2022, Spring 2023, and Summer 2023. The application deadline for most spring semester study abroad programs: September 15.The university wide Study Abroad Fair is scheduled for Thursday, September 8th from 10:00-2:00 in PMU South Ballroom. |
Follow the Roadmap: Learn Beyond the Classroom
- Are you graduating in December 2022? Make sure to have completed all LBC reports by September 18, 2022.
- Did you complete an internship, undertake research, study abroad, or participate in another activity eligible for LBC points over the summer? Be sure to write your reports before you get too busy.
- Would you like to attend a conference, community service, or participate in another LBC activity for which you need some funding? Submit an LBC grant application
- Not enrolled in Learning Beyond the Classroom (LBC)? Enroll today! Sign up Here.
If you have questions, contact LBC at lbc@purdue.edu |
Thinking about studying abroad? Explore the University of Canterbury
Founded in beautiful New Zealand in 1873, the University of Canterbury is now a modern autonomous university with an international reputation for excellence in teaching and research. The university is located on a modern, suburban campus that offers extensive sporting and recreational activities to complement its scholastic reputation. With an enrollment of 10,000 students, the university is host to more than 100 clubs and societies on campus, covering interests in the sporting, cultural, social, religious, and intellectual fields. Only 10 minutes away is Christchurch, a city of 300,000 people that is often called the Garden City of New Zealand because of its many parks, natural reserves, trees, and flowers. The city also has a reputation for being the most English city outside England, largely because of its traditional architecture and expansive parks. The Cathedral in the central square is its focal point.
For more information go here!
The Women in Science Program serves and develops a cohort of 200 students who identify as women, non-binary individuals, and male advocates within the College of Science throughout their undergraduate studies. From the first-year application process to graduation day, WISP exists to strengthen Science student experiences — not only in the lecture hall or lab but through mentoring and networking as well. We are excited to learn and grow together! Our first year WISP mentees attending BGR/arriving on campus early will gather for a fun event to learn how they will be supported this year and get to know one another prior to classes. Our upper-class mentors will gather during the first week of class to review expectations regarding positive ways they can connect with and assist their mentee.
Need some help? Free Evening Tutoring is available |
COSINE - Free Tutoring Program |
COSINE (College of Science Instructional Nightly Enrichment) is a FREE tutoring program to help students succeed in first year science courses. COSINE offers evening tutoring right in your own backyard. Our goal is to help you develop problem-solving skills needed to do your homework. Please visit us in Shreve for assistance.
Shreve Hall
Room C113B
University Residences Support Center
Monday - Thursday 6:00-9:00pm August 29 - December 8, 2022
For optimal tutoring results, bring your text books and class notes. |
Campus Events |
The OUR provides 1-credit online courses for students who want to get involved in research (GS19501/ILS180), those who are actively involved in research (GS29501/ILS280 and GS39501/ILS380), and those applying to graduate or professional school (GS49501/ILS480). |
Lilly Day at Purdue |
Indiana Legislative Internship Recruitment Info Session & Reception |
Indiana Legislative Internship Recruitment Info Session & Reception
Wednesday, September 7th
5:30-7:00 p.m.
PMU, Anniversary Drawing Room
The Statehouse employs college students as interns in Indianapolis during the spring semester each year in these areas:
Communication, Information Technology, Policy Analysis, Constituent Services, Graphic & Print Design, and Fiscal Analysis. Yes, the internships are paid and they are fantastic experience for students from all majors, backgrounds, and can be a great foundation for any career!
The application deadline for Spring 2023 Internships is October 31, 2022. For internship descriptions and online application, use these links below:
House Republicans - To apply go here. Senate Republicans - To apply go here House Democrats - To apply go here Senate Democrats - To apply go here
Beyond Campus |
JCPenney Suit-Up Event |
Fall 2022 Purdue JCPenney Suit-Up Online Event August 24th – October 30, 2022. Take advantage of an extra 30% off on select merchandise and it can be used either online or in-store. If you prefer to wait to use your coupon, it will be valid for a one-time purchase now – October 30, 2022.
30% off coupon – Text BOILERS to 67292
to receive an individual one-time use coupon code.
August 24th – October 30th
Shop online or in-store